Environmental Science
When the Adirondack Park was created in the 19th century, it was perhaps the most
extensive conservation experiment ever undertaken. More than 100 years later, we’re
still learning lessons from the waterways, forests and peaks within this 6-million-acre
zone – and North Country students are among those doing the work.
As an Environmental Science major, you’ll learn the environment’s natural processes, as well as the interactions of plants, animals and other organisms with their physical and chemical environments. Our three campuses give you access to the rich ecosystems we’re part of – you’ll do fieldwork at the Paul Smith’s College VIC and several other locations in the Adirondacks, testing for the effects of acid rain and measuring soil and water quality. You’ll also have access to institutions and organizations that protect the natural resources of the Adirondacks every day. Internships are available at places including the Wildlife Conservation Society and the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation.
CAREER POSSIBILITIES: Conservation scientist, educator, environmental engineer, environmental science technician, wildlife biologist. Some career paths require additional education or training.
WHAT'S NEXT: Transfer for a bachelor’s degree in environmental science or enter the workforce. Students may also choose to benefit from the 2+2=YOU program partnership wirth Paul Smith's College.
Check out some of our exciting courses |
Field Methods in Environmental Science
BIO 205
Instructor: Melinda Fredenburg
Problem-oriented, hands-on approach emphasizing the tools, techniques, and observational skills necessary for the understanding of forest and stream ecology. Students will conduct field and laboratory work as well as data analysis and interpretation.

BIO 125
An introduction to major ecological concepts and functions designed to show the interrelationships between organisms and their environments. Topics will include population dynamics, community structure, ecosystem diversity, biochemical cycles, natural selection and relevant environmental issues.
Conservation of Natural Resources
BIO 204
This course explores the rich tapestry of life with which we share our world and how we can maintain it. Students will examine conservation management as to its history and develop a model of conservation biology.